martes, 10 de abril de 2007

About the Food...!!!


Hello people… at the moment wanted to tell many things them on my, so far she will speak to them on the food that I like… and all the things about the food. Also it will add a food pyramid so that they know in that group that finds each food.
I hope that they enjoy it.

Hello… as they are.
I want to tell them about the food that I like.
It enchants pizza to me, the ice creams, the chocolate, the chicken, the meat.
I don't like for anything the liver and any visor. he is revolting.
At the moment I am making a diet to become thin then I am eating very healthy. For all it is important to take care of the health.
I eat cassia daily in the morning bread with cheese and a coffee.
In the lunch chicken, meat or fish to the grill.
And in the supper just like in the breakfast.

Now I am going to show one to them piramide of meals...!!

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